Fee Structure 2023
School Fees and Levies
Fee Payment timeline:
November 30th, 2022 – prepayment due for Stationery, Technology, Excursion and Child Levies $480 per child
February 2nd , 2023 – Statement No: 1 issued, payment due 23rd February
May 4th, 2023 – Statement issued, payment due 25th May
July 27th, 2023 – Statement issued, payment due 17th August
Methods of Payment:
Electronic transfer of funds (EFT) is the easiest method of paying fees. We accept payment by credit card/eftpos/cash or Bpay (please refer to your statement for details), or we can arrange for your bank to pay the fees on your behalf directly out of your nominated credit card or savings/cheque account (Direct Debit and Credit authority form attached)
Centrepay is also available. This is a voluntary bill-paying service which is free for Centrelink customers. Use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. These payments are forwarded to St Josephs School and receipted against your fee account. You can start or change a deduction at any time. The quickest way to do it is through your Centrelink account online.
If online banking is more convenient our details are-BSB: 083 347 Account: 64191 0936 (you must quote your family name or customer account number as the reference)
Financial Assistance:
Concessional School Fees offers significant savings to families and are available to any family that meets the below eligibility criteria:
- of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
- holding an HCC (Dept of Health Concession Card) and eligible for CSEF
- experiencing severe financial hardship
- holding a DVA Gold Card (Dept of Veterans Affairs Health Card)
- identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard is strongly encouraged to apply for concessional school fees.
Please refer to our Concessional Fee Policy or contact the office for further details.
St Josephs Concessional Fee Policy 2023
All statements will be emailed to the nominated fee payer on a monthly basis. Receipts will only be issued upon request.
If the fee payer or email address details change, please advise the office as soon as possible.
If any families are experiencing financial difficulty an appointment can be made with the Principal to discuss options. Please contact the office to arrange a meeting, or email: principal@sjchelsea.catholic.edu.au
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